Because I'm in a mood.. so there!!
1.) There are a lot of people in my life I'd like a lot more if they weren't so damn happy.... I mean really take that sunshine and rainbows crap somewhere else! see where this is going...hehehe :)
2.) It pisses me off when I realize that the kids that are snubbing my son are the children of people who snubbed me in high school... apparently being a total douche is hereditary!
3.) I hate living in a town where if you aren't a nurse you've somehow failed as a woman and you will be exiled for all eternity!! I've met a lot of nurses in this crap hole town and I can count on one hand how many actually seem to care about people in general... The rest of them shouldn't be allowed to treat farm goats.. seriously!
4.) Ya know those people who have something to say about, or have done, everything you say... No matter what it is they've done it or they know how to do it better than you or something like that... Those people should come with a mute button!! I mean really let me do what I'm doing don't come over and tell me how to do something I'm doing.. unless I ask you to.. and for those who have to comment every time I say I've done something and they are all oh me too only I did it better or longer or first or whatever.. really f*%@ off... Don't pee on my moment.. keep it to yourself!!
5.) Ya know those people who want something from you but they don't want to ask you for it.. They want to go on and on dropping hints until you volunteer to do whatever it is... totally irks me!! If you need something from me ask me, don't sly around and drop hints, just ask me!!! And for F&*@s sake don't try to make me feel sorry for you so that I'll offer something.. GRRR Just effin ask for it!!! I'll respect you more in the long run!!!
6.) I hate those people who you don't ever talk to and then all of a sudden you get an invitation from them for some party where you have to bring a gift.. No I will not bring you baby gifts when you haven't acknowledged my existence for ohhhhh 5ish years.. basically since your last baby shower... yeah go ahead and take me off that party invitation list of yours.. not gonna happen.. I will send you an e-card though..hehehe OK gonna try to get off of people now..
7.) I hate women's t-shirts!! Why is it my husband can buy a t-shirt and it lasts so long we start to use it for something else ( to wash the car, to polish furniture, etc..) yet I buy a standard women's t-shirt and in two days I can read a newspaper through it!! OR worse I can't find one that doesn't have freakin roses or Disney characters on it.. For the love of all that is holy PLEASE grown women STOP wearing tinkerbell shirts!!! YOU ARE NOT 6!!! I just want a plain t-shirt no roses no characters no freakin lace or beads on the trim, just a t-shirt!! Thank GOD for who literally saved my sanity this summer!!! Well they slowed the insanity anyway...
8.) Why is it that a man can go get a pair of jeans in the EXACT girth and length he needs and I have to go try on 50 pairs of jeans because this brand's size 4 (yeah right) runs a little small this brand's size 4 (again yeah right) runs big... BTW what grown woman without an eating disorder is a size 4 anyway?? Not one I've ever met!!! Any way let's say miraculously I find jeans that fit perfect in the waist.. I'm 5'3".. 5'4" in the right shoes.. Why are all women's jeans made for 5'11" tall women???? What woman not on steroids and growth hormones is 5'11" tall?? Not one I've ever met!! Ok I know this one chick who is maybe 5'7"ish but still.. Most of the women I know are shortish... It's so bad that you can choose one of two things 1.) let the pants drag until they shred off to the right length or 2.) do that weird stupid looking fold up in the back (I do the stupid fold up thingy) ... God knows you CANNOT hem jeans so these are your only choices... This I say is HORSE SHIT!!!
ok I can't do this without talking about people so I'm gonna stop there....for now... The day is young!