Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spider Love

Spider Love Versus Real Love
This is from Martha Beck's new book, Steering by Starlight, beginning on page 196. I've been reading this book and highlighting little sentences or at most paragraphs that mean or say something to me... I highlighted this entire chapter! I cannot recommend this book enough to people who need a little inspiration and clarity!!! It has made a noticeable difference in the way I approach my day-to-day life, and also in the way my day-to-day life approaches me!!

If you went into your garden, recruited a spider, and asked it, "What do you love most?" the spider might answer, "I love flies." This is true: Spiders enjoy a tasty fly the way I enjoy ice cream. And how does this love cause a spider to behave? Well, it makes a sticky web, catches flies alive, wraps them up to keep them from escaping, and keeps them there, conscious, but helpless. Then, whenever the spider needs a snack, it scurries over to the fly, injects it with venom to dissolve some of its insides, and slurps up some of its life force.

This is the way many people think of "love." They will say, in all honesty, that they love their children, their partners, their friends more than anything in the world. But their love is consumptive, not giving. They need their "loved ones" to feed them emotionally, so they imprison people, trap them in webs of obligation or guilt, paralyze them to keep them from going away. They love other people the way spiders love flies.

Before you set out to lead a relationship where conflict is occurring, remember this: The goal of real love is to set the beloved free. If someone else's "love" requires that you abandon your own soul, it's spider love. If you find yourself trying to control a loved one, you're in the spider's role. Spider love really isn't love at all but a version of fear that creates a perceived need to control.

There are two red flags that will start to wave when real love disappears and spider behavior begins. The first is the deception, by which I meansaying or doing anything at all that is not honest for you. The second isthe word make. When you do something even slightly dishonest because you're trying to make someone do or feel something, love is no longer running the show. This is just as true when you're trying to make people feel good and loving as it is when you're trying make them follow your orders. People-pleasing and guilt-inducing are as much control strategies as domination.

If you're on the giving end of spider love, you'll feel grasping, desperate, angry, wounded, or all of the above. If you're on the receiving end, you'll feel a desperate desire to escape, often muted by your own rationalizations. "Mom's just trying to make me happy," you might think. "That's why she's offered me a house if I get gastric bypass surgery." Or "Coach only screams at me because he's trying to make me achieve my potential." Or "Jesse just needs to make sure I deserve his trust; that's why he's tied me to this chair."

If you find yourself repeatedly convincing yourself someone loves you, check yourself for spider glue. If your body and your mood darkens when you think of the person who's trying to "make you happy," listen to it. If you feel wretched and panicky with the need to control someone else, realize you may be playing the spider yourself. Either way, leave the web behind. Detach. Whatever your role in the drama, drop it and begin focusing on real love, the sort that always frees the beloved. You can think of it as Stargazer love, because at the level where you are truly steering by starlight, you'll do it naturally.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh hey guess what..

So I've been meaning to write a blog lately I just haven't really been inspired by anything... so I'm gonna do a little blog list.. Here are some things I've learned/realized lately.....

1.) If my 7 year old son flirts with the waitress at Olive Garden instead of the usual 3 or 4 mints we get 15+ mints with our check!! It took both hands to hold them all...niiiice!!

2.) I can change pants in the front seat of my husbands jeep,in the middle of the parking lot, in about 7 seconds!! Don't ask!!

3.) The only thing worse than a person who lies to me is a person who lies to me when there was absolutely no reason to! Grrrr!!!

4.) I know if I don't call you, you won't call me first.. So if I die in my sleep you won't know because you can't be bothered to call...

5.) It's absolutely amazing how quiet a 7yr. old will be when promised a starbucks cookie and just how freakin LOUD he will be after he gets it!!

6.) I have a shoe addiction... that's just all I'm gonna say there!!

7.) Buffalo wings may in fact ACTUALLY be the death of me.. (redundancy was necessary just to prove how serious I am about this!!

8.) If you want to know if your child is serious listen for the ahh... example: I don't want to go to SCHOOLAHHHH.... NOOOOAHHHHHH.... WHYYAHHHH.... Or sometimes just AHHHHHHH.... Threatening his life won't help.. believe me!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Some rants and/or things/people that irk me....

Because I'm in a mood.. so there!!  
1.) There are a lot of people in my life I'd like a lot more if they weren't so damn happy.... I mean really take that sunshine and rainbows crap somewhere else! see where this is going...hehehe :)  
2.) It pisses me off when I realize that the kids that are snubbing my son are the children of people who snubbed me in high school... apparently being a total douche is hereditary!  
3.) I hate living in a town where if you aren't a nurse you've somehow failed as a woman and you will be exiled for all eternity!! I've met a lot of nurses in this crap hole town and I can count on one hand how many actually seem to care about people in general... The rest of them shouldn't be allowed to treat farm goats.. seriously!  
4.) Ya know those people who have something to say about, or have done, everything you say... No matter what it is they've done it or they know how to do it better than you or something like that... Those people should come with a mute button!! I mean really let me do what I'm doing don't come over and tell me how to do something I'm doing.. unless I ask you to.. and for those who have to comment every time I say I've done something and they are all oh me too only I did it better or longer or first or whatever.. really f*%@ off... Don't pee on my moment.. keep it to yourself!!  
5.) Ya know those people who want something from you but they don't want to ask you for it.. They want to go on and on dropping hints until you volunteer to do whatever it is... totally irks me!! If you need something from me ask me, don't sly around and drop hints, just ask me!!! And for F&*@s sake don't try to make me feel sorry for you so that I'll offer something.. GRRR Just effin ask for it!!! I'll respect you more in the long run!!! 
6.) I hate those people who you don't ever talk to and then all of a sudden you get an invitation from them for some party where you have to bring a gift.. No I will not bring you baby gifts when you haven't acknowledged my existence for ohhhhh 5ish years.. basically since your last baby shower... yeah go ahead and take me off that party invitation list of yours.. not gonna happen.. I will send you an e-card though..hehehe OK gonna try to get off of people now.. 
7.) I hate women's t-shirts!! Why is it my husband can buy a t-shirt and it lasts so long we start to use it for something else ( to wash the car, to polish furniture, etc..) yet I buy a standard women's t-shirt and in two days I can read a newspaper through it!! OR worse I can't find one that doesn't have freakin roses or Disney characters on it.. For the love of all that is holy PLEASE grown women STOP wearing tinkerbell shirts!!! YOU ARE NOT 6!!! I just want a plain t-shirt no roses no characters no freakin lace or beads on the trim, just a t-shirt!! Thank GOD for who literally saved my sanity this summer!!! Well they slowed the insanity anyway...  
8.) Why is it that a man can go get a pair of jeans in the EXACT girth and length he needs and I have to go try on 50 pairs of jeans because this brand's size 4 (yeah right) runs a little small this brand's size 4 (again yeah right) runs big... BTW what grown woman without an eating disorder is a size 4 anyway?? Not one I've ever met!!! Any way let's say miraculously I find jeans that fit perfect in the waist.. I'm 5'3".. 5'4" in the right shoes.. Why are all women's jeans made for 5'11" tall women???? What woman not on steroids and growth hormones is 5'11" tall?? Not one I've ever met!! Ok I know this one chick who is maybe 5'7"ish but still.. Most of the women I know are shortish... It's so bad that you can choose one of two things 1.) let the pants drag until they shred off to the right length or 2.) do that weird stupid looking fold up in the back (I do the stupid fold up thingy) ... God knows you CANNOT hem jeans so these are your only choices... This I say is HORSE SHIT!!!  

ok I can't do this without talking about people so I'm gonna stop there....for now... The day is young!